Data Types
import sys;
import decimal
import fractions;
# int, python 3 has no long integer
n1 = 10;
# float
n2 = 3.14;
# print(sys.float_info); # float information in Python 3
# complex
n4 = complex(5, 10);
print(n4, n4.real, n4.imag);
# fraction
n5 = fractions.Fraction(1, 2);
print(type(n5), n5, n5.numerator, n5.denominator);
# decimal
n8 = decimal.Decimal('3.1414926');
print(type(n8), n8);
decimal.getcontext().prec = 3 # set precision
n9 = decimal.Decimal('3.104') + decimal.Decimal('2.104')
print(n9) # 5.21

# binary
n10 = 0b1001
print(bin(n10), n10) # 0b1001 9

# octal
n11 = 0o11
print(oct(n11), n11) # 0o11 9

# hexadecimal
n12 = 0x11
print(hex(n12), n12) # 0x11 17
# int
n1 = 10;
n2 = 3;
print(n1+n2);# 13
print(n1-n2);# 7
print(n1*n2);# 30
print(n1/n2);# 3.33, it is 3 in Python 2
print(n1//n2);# 3
print(n1%n2);# 1
print(divmod(n1, n2));# (3, 1)
print(pow(n1, n2));# 1000
print(n1**n2);# 1000
from __future__ import division; # include both / and //
# float
n1 = 3.14;
n2 = 2.0;
print(n1+n2);# 5.14
print(n1-n2);# 1.14
print(n1*n2);# 6.28
print(n1/n2);# 1.57, true division
print(n1//n2);# 1.0, floor division
print(n1%n2);# 1.14
print(divmod(n1, n2));# (1.0, 1.14)
print(pow(n1, n2));# 9.8596
print(n1**n2);# 9.8596
True and False

x = (1 < 2);# True
y = (1 == 1);# True

print (x or y);# True
print (x and y);# True
print (not x);# False
Bit Operations
x = 5;
y = 10;
print(bin(x));# 0b101
print(bin(y));# 0b1010
print('or: ', x|y, bin(x|y));#15, 0b1111
print('and: ', x&y, bin(x&y));#0, 0b0
print('exclusive: ', x^y, bin(x^y));#15, 0b1111
print('shifted left: ', x<<2, bin(x<<2), x);#20, 0b10100, 5
print('shifted right: ', x>>2, bin(x>>2), x);#1, 0b1, 5
print('bit length: ', x.bit_length(), y.bit_length());#3 4
print('not: ', ~x, bin(~x));#-6, -0b110
Override Functions
# int
n1 = 10;
print (n1.__str__());
print (n1.__sizeof__()); #28
print (n1.__pow__(2)); # 100
print (n1.__add__(10)); # 20
print (n1.__rand__)
print (n1.__hash__()); # 10
print (n1.__index__()); # 10
print (type(n1.__repr__())); # str